Cobra Crash Investigation and Clean-up, San Diego County, CA.
TREVET conducted a fast-tracked investigation and clean-up for POL (petroleum, oil, and lubricants) and metal impacts to soil resulting from a Cobra helicopter crash at a remote location. Munitions and explosives contaminants (MEC) were present at the crash site, requiring close coordination with Marine Corps Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) personnel to ensure safety and a UXO technician on site for MEC avoidance. A pin flare and multiple fragmented portions of rocket motors were discovered in the field by TREVET and removed by EOD personnel. Identification of the MEC items assisted EOD in accounting for an additional rocket. Based on conditions observed at the site, TREVET recommended and installed erosion control measures to protect the watershed. Regulatory concurrence on site closure was obtained in under 6 months.
“Contractor quickly prepared plans to get into the field to assess and cleanup fuel from the Cobra Crash. The regulator that reviewed the site assessment report stated that it was one of the highest quality reports she had reviewed.”