Groundwater Remediation System, Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Pendleton, CA.
TREVET designed, installed, and operated a pilot-scale remediation system to treat chlorinated solvents impacting groundwater (GW) at the 52 Area Armory, Gun Cleaning Area and Sniper School. The system was designed to establish reducing conditions in the impacted water-bearing zone through injections of the emulsified 3DMe® solution, facilitating reductive dechlorination of the contaminants. The conceptual design called for installation of injection wells with dual-nested soil gas probes for monitoring treatment effectiveness. The injection system included a mixing and holding tank, generator and pump, carbon vessels, and a piping manifold. Approximately 350 feet of remote fill piping was connected to the injection wells. After a year of operation and monitoring by TREVET, GW data suggested that concentrations of chlorinated solvents were decreasing.