Energetic • Responsive • Experienced


Remedial Investigation, Former Mare Island Naval Shipyard, CA.

TREVET performed risk assessment and remedy evaluation for an industrial area with hexavalent chromium in soil and groundwater (GW); chlorinated VOCs in soil and GW from buried paint wastes; PCB-contaminated soil near an electrical transfer station; spent “green sand” media contaminated with metals from outdoor sandblasting of ship and submarine components; and a wetlands created when green sand was pushed into the bay. A biological avoidance plan for sensitive wetlands habitat for monitoring at the wetlands to protect the salt marsh harvest mouse. The results of a data gaps investigation were compiled into a combined RI/FS report that was completed within the approved budget and one year ahead of the schedule.

“Government has received very good value…[extra work] at no additional cost to the Government…professional and great to work with!”

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Landfill Gas (LFG) Monitoring and Pilot Treatability Study, IR Site 7,

Landfill Gas (LFG) Monitoring and Pilot Treatability Study, IR Site 7,

Groundwater (GW) Investigation, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, AZ

Groundwater (GW) Investigation, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, AZ