Energetic • Responsive • Experienced


Site Inspection (SI), Remedial Investigations (RI), Feasibility Studies (FS), and Proposed Plans (PP), Munitions Response Program Sites, Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma, AZ.

TREVET conducted munitions and explosives constituents (MEC) investigations of a former small arms range and two former firing-in butt ranges used to zero-in fixed aircraft guns. Detector-aided, non-intrusive surface visual surveys of the sites were conducted, an instrument verification strip was constructed, and total-coverage-based digital geophysical mapping was performed. A target of interest (TOI) list was prioritized by the project geophysicist and was employed during intrusive investigations for sampling soil at each of the TOI locations for munitions constituents (MC) metals and explosives analysis. Results were used in human health and ecological risk assessments incorporated into RI/FS reports and findings. PPs were prepared and presented in community meetings organized by TREVET.

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Remedial Investigations (RI) and Feasibility Studies (FS)

Remedial Investigations (RI) and Feasibility Studies (FS)

Munitions Response Program Investigations

Munitions Response Program Investigations